
Traitor (Star Wars: The New Jedi Order, Book 13) Review

Traitor (Star Wars: The New Jedi Order, Book 13)
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Let me make two things clear: I am a diehard Star Wars fanboy, and a bigtime Stover groupie. A such, when this novel was announced months ago, it quickly became my most anticipated Star Wars novel ever. As the months wore on, the anxiety grew; I needed this book, and simply couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I trusted that Stover would give me a fantastic novel. My trust was not unfounded.
Right from the outset, this book is something special. Stover is a compulsively readable writer, and his prose and writing style are head and shoulders above many of the other authors writing Star Wars novels. He knows how to turn a phrase and shape a paragraph so that it sticks in your mind long after you've finished reading the book.
And what a book! From the Holy [cow]! opening (which finally explained Jacen's emanations from Dark Journey) to the stunningly awesome climax (featuring one of the coolest lightsaber fights ever) to the outstanding three-against-the-galaxy ending (and you'll NEVER guess who the third one is), Traitor proved impossible to put down. Literally. I read it in one sitting and have since read it twice more. Jacen's feats in this book put to shame similar conquests by his siblings in the novels focusing on them, and Vergere absolutely blossoms as an interesting, enigmatic character. Jacen's revelations throughout the novel, often spurred by Vergere's observations, are consistently interesting (and pretty consistent with what you'd come to expect from a Stover novel). With Nom Anor it's pretty much just more of the same, which is getting kind of old, but Ganner really shines here. You can expect a cameo or three from a long lost pal, as well as a whole lot of Stover-style philosophizing on the nature of the Force and its Dark Side, as well as what makes a Hero, and what makes a Jedi, and a whole bunch of other questions that haven't, or haven't often, been tackled before in a Star Wars novel. You'll be surprised at the answers offered, when they are offered, which isn't always, considering that, as is said, the question is often more telling than the answer. The action is fantastic, as is to be expected from a Stover novel, and for you skeptics out there - put your fears to rest; there's only one fight scene (out of many) that's described at all graphically or gorily. Do not mistake graphicness for intensity, however - these fights are as intense as anything you've seen in a Star Wars novel. Overall, yes, this is easily my favorite New Jedi Order novel so far; my only real complaint is that there's not more of it. And it could have used a little more humor.
If you're a Star Wars fan, or a Stover fan, or just a fan of good Literature (yes, I daresay that this, a Star Wars novel, qualifies as Literature), you can't go wrong with this book. It is, quite simply, the best Star Wars novel yet published.

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From the depths of catastrophe, a glimmer of hopeAfter the capture of Coruscant, the mighty heart of the New Republic, a stunned galaxy fears that nothing can stop the Yuuzhan Vong. Still, that crushing defeat produces one small miracle: Jacen Solo is alive. Yet he can scarcely imagine himself in stranger circumstances.The young Jedi Knight is in the care of Vergere, a fascinating creature of mystery and power, her intentions hard to fathom, her cruelties rarely concealed. But this master of inscrutable arts has much to teach the young Jedi . . . for she holds the key to a new way to experience the Force, to take it to another level—dangerous, dazzling, perhaps deadly.In the wrong hands, the tremendous energies of the Force can be devastating. And there are others watching Jacen's process closely, waiting patiently for the moment when he will be ready for their own dire purposes. Now, all is in shadows. Yet whatever happens, whether Jacen's newfound mastery unleashes light or darkness, he will never be the same Jedi again. . . .

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