
Betrayal (Star Wars: Legacy of the Force, Book 1) Review

Betrayal (Star Wars: Legacy of the Force, Book 1)
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I'm a bit ambivalent about this book. It's a very promising start to what will undoubtedly prove to be an interesting new series. It has a really good plot too. The challenge is that the writing simply isn't at Allston's usually high level. What should be a thrilling ambush at the beginning of the book, for example, reads more like a ho-hum sequence of events. It never feels like the Jedi are truly in any danger. Similarly, the way in which Ben deals with the Anakin robot reads like a Scholastic series adventure rather than something written for adults. Thankfully it gets better as the book progresses. The various conflicts and loyalties that Wedge needs to deal with is very well written.
Okay, so here's the plot: Luke Skywalker and the Jedi just can't get a break. The Joiner war is over and just when it looks like the galaxy is going to be at peace, various planetary interests threaten to unleash a new wave of violence. And, Luke is plagued with visions of an approaching darkness, an enemy that does not exist... yet.
At the same time, the Galactic Alliance is becoming more and more bureaucratic and dictatorial, pushing member worlds away from its strict, Empire-like regulations. When Jedi's Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker discover an illegal missile plant on Adumar their evidence sparks more political unrest. Fearing the worst, the Alliance readies a preemptive military exercise to bring the potentially rogue worlds in line before things get worse. Not a bad strategy at face value yet the challenge is that they've picked Corellia for their show of force, launching a secret mission to disable Centerpoint Station. Jacen feels honor-bound to stick with his uncle, the leader of the Jedi Order, who takes direction from the Alliance, yet when the Corellians launch a counterstrike, escalating conflict places the Skywalkers and Solos on opposing sides...
Sooo, the bottom line is that I really liked the plot and the promise this new series brings. I wasn't so thrilled about the quality of the writing, however, which was spotty throughout, more miss than hit. All in all I'm glad I read it and will almost certainly pick up the next book in the series though I may wait for it to come out in paperback.
Good book but unfortunately nothing exceptional.

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