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(More customer reviews)Mandatory Retirement is the powerful conclusion to the "Rise to Isard" story arc as well as to the Rogue Squadron comic series of which that was part. This is a strong series, and unique within the Rogue Squadron mythos. While most RS stories are four issues, with the first setting up a conflict and the next three having the Rogues resolve it, in this story the whole first quarter is devoted to showing us the Rogues during some R&R time. They get to have fun, go swimming, relax, dance, and develop their relationships. The whole story is then told in the next three comics. The art in this series is very good, much better and much more in style than the previous two Rogue Squadron stories, and the dialogue is really good too, although there isn't as much humorous banter as we're used to. There's also just as much action as you'd expect from an X-wing story, as well as plenty of Isard's manipulations and a healthy reminder of why we came to hate the Empire in the first place.
The plot is that Sate Pestage has been caught in the act of selling out to the Rebels, and so three of the most powerful Generals in the cabal of Imperial leaders have formed a tribunal which assumes control of the Empire, and they decide they want Pestage. Pestage, however, has paid off Leonia Tavira to get him to a world loyal to him, where the Rebels will attempt to rescue him for political reasons. Tavira, however, then sells out Pestage's location to Isard and the Imperials, and when an Imperial fleet shows up, things start to get ugly for the Rogues.
This is a good story for several reasons. Besides the good art, which I have already mentioned, there are a good number of characters here. Besides the Rogues, both General Salm's wing of Y-wings and Kapp Dendo's commandos return, as does Mirax Terrik and the Pulsar Skate. In addition, we have Isard, Tavira, and Admiral Krennel on the Imperial side. We also get to see, for the first time, the New Republic's Provisional Council, and all the attendant bickering and politicking. Tension in the ranks because of Fel's recent loyalty re-emerges here, an issue about which I complained in my review of "Masquerade." The relationships between various Rogues continue to develop, though there are sacrifices here as well. It's fun to see Isard removing her competition and securing her place at the head of the Empire, and we also get to see how Krennel, who later appears in the novel Isard's Revenge, gets so wealthy and powerful. Moreover, we get to hear Wedge give a sentimental speech. Plus, with John Travolta on the cover, what can go wrong?
This is an exceptionally good Rogue Squadron story and a fitting end to the series. Highly Recommended.
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When Imperial Intelligence chief Ysanne Isard discovers that acting-Emperor Pestage has cut a secret deal with the Rebel Alliance to sell out the Empire, it appears that the Rebels` ticket to Imperial Center has been punched. But when Pestage is captured in his sanctuary on a far world, Rogue Squadron is assigned to go after him. If the New Republic wants to claim Imperial Center and turn the tide of war, it is imperative that they rescue Pestage, now wanted by the Empire for high treason. Unfortunately, Isard is also going after Pestage - with a brace of Star Destroyers and her own designs on the Imperial throne! Mandatory Retirement is the thrilling conclusion to the epic Rise of Isard story arc and a key link in the Star Wars mythos!
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