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(More customer reviews)I've read all of the books in the Star Wars expanded universe so far and I can safely say that the Han Solo Trilogy, by A.C. Crispin, is the crown jewel.
In book one, THE PARADISE SNARE, we are introduced to a young Han, living life on the edge as a lackey to a Corellian criminal, Garris Shrike. Solo escapes, thanks to the sacrifice of his lone friend, a Wookie named Dewlanna, and is able to get a job piloting for a religious organization on the planet Ylesia. This job sets the stage for the rest of the Solo story: his first love (Bria), his connection to the Hutts, his Academy days, the Chewbacca and Lando entrances, etc. Crispin's writing style is engrossing--she writes action well and has the touch with characters and relationships. Han's back-story is filled in completely; once you've read these stories you will understand his character, his motivation, and any/all references to his past that have ever been made. You'll want to pick up the entire trilogy, since once you read book one you'll have to continue the story.
Some Star Wars novels don't work because they are too obscure. Some are not well written. Some are written be people who don't seem to understand the Star Wars universe or its characters (ie. THE CRYSTAL STAR). Crispin deftly avoids all of these pitfalls. It is difficult to write a trilogy where the whole world already knows the ending (since we know Han meets Luke and falls in love with Leia), but Crispin was able to grab and hold my interest as well as my emotion the entire time. The Han Solo Trilogy will appeal to hard core Star Wars novel fans as well as fans who up till now have only seen the movies. They are the best that Lucas Books has to offer. FIVE STARS.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Paradise Snare (Star Wars, The Han Solo Trilogy #1) (Book 1)
Here is the first book in the blockbuster trilogy that chronicles the never-before-told story of the young Han Solo. Set before the Star Wars movie adventures, these books chronicle the coming-of-age of the galaxy's most famous con man, smuggler, and thief.The first book in this exciting new Han Solo series begins with a recounting of Han's late teen years and shows us how he escaped an unhappy adopted home situation to carve out an adventurous new life for himself as a pilot. Han Solo, the handsome rogue, is every girl's dream man, and every boy's hero.The Paradise Snare is another stellar Star Wars production, complete with original music and sound effect
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