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(More customer reviews)I'm a Star Wars maniac, pure and true, and this book I would not have finished if it weren't for my devotion. I didn't read the rest of the trilogy, and talking to a friend who had, I found out I didn't need to. The story just went in a hundred different directions all at once, which in the beginning was captivating--many Star Wars novels have done this-- but what really turned my attention off was the fact the conflicts--Mon Mothma's disease, Kyp going completely insane and blowing things up, Lukes illness, Anakin's kidnapping, and so on and so forth-- never had anything to do with each other. It was just like the writer, Anderson, said, "Okay, let's write about the everyday lives of some well-known Star Wars characters in a completely random way for no apparent reason in the form of a trilogy." All the plot line really did was run around in little circles over, and over, and over, and over, and over again like hamsters on an exercize wheel. And the ending was really abrupt, like "Blah, blah, everything's going terrible for our heroes, but the book is ending, so we'll just say that everybody lives happily ever after, shall we? Alrighty then-- this and this and this happened, The End!" Whoopie. Absolutely "edge-of-you-seat", gripping, climatic, and altogether totally NOT. Then there are the not-so-small nits; General Garm Bel Iblis's last name is spelled, well, Bel Iblis. In COTF, though, his name is mispelled Bel-Iblis. Then there's the Threkin Horm, whose name is mispelled BIG TIME in COTF as Hrekin Thorm. What in all the worlds is UP WITH THAT?! Then, we have the fact that just about every quote is ended in "!". So I plan to do the same, from here on! I'll write every sentance with over-exaggerating exclamation points! We'll see just how ANNOYING this can get! Finally, that little speech made by Leia in the jadi temple was sappy! That's it; just plain-old sappy! It wouldn't happen, I guarente it! Well, at least the cover art was good! My final word to buyers: don't! Read the Thrawn trilogy instead, and if you've finished, then READ 'EM AGAIN! They're good! And if you really must know what happens in this time period, then read I, JEDI! I think I have made my point with the exclamation marks, haven't I?! I think so! Cya'll!
Ps! Sorry about all the bashing here! I really am a cruel critic here, aren't I?!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Champions of the Force (Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy, Vol. 3)
Suspended helplessly between life and death, Luke Skywalker lies in state at the Jedi academy. But on the spirit plane, Luke fights desperately for survival, reaching out physically to the Jedi twins. At the same time, Leia is on a life-and-death mission of her own, a race against Imperial agents hoping to destroy a third Jedi child -- Leia and Han's baby Anakin -- hidden on the planet Anoth. Meanwhile, Luke's former protÚgÚ Kyp Durron has pirated the deadly Sun Crusher on an apocalyptic mission of mass destruction, convinced he is fighting for a just cause. Hunting down the rogue warrior, Han must persuade Kyp to renounce his dark crusade and regain his lost honor. To do it, Kyp must take the Sun Crusher on a suicide mission against the awesome Death Star prototype -- a battle Han knows they may be unable to win... even with Luke Skywalker at their side!
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